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Some Great Table Skirting Ideas

If you want your even to look really nice then you absolutely cannot forget about table skirting. Even if there is no other decorations at your event, table skirting alone can lend a completely different appearance to any room. So if you have a set of bland looking chairs and tables, get table skirts and watch as everything transforms into a beautiful room to meet your purpose.


The biggest mistake that people make when it comes to table skirting is to believe that all skirts are just the same. However, this is not true. If you have an event coming up in the near future, here are a few ideas that will help you decorate your tables in a way that it completely changes the appearance of the room:


1. The first design that can come in handy is known as the gathered top design. With this design, your fabric is basically drawn together from the top with the help of threads that are sewn into the plastic. Remember, the tighter you make the gather, the more poufed it is going to be at the bottom.


2. The next design idea is known as the accordion or knife pleat. In this design, you will basically use narrow folds which are all pointing in the same general direction and can properly fit around the upper edges of your table. The bottom can either be full just like with the gathered top design or it can even be pressed allowing the pleats to be stretched right till the floor.


3. Box pleats are another great idea. The basically include a series of pleats which fold one after the other. The bottom isn't as full as the above mentioned pleats though. This gives it a neat appearance which is good for trade shows and business meetings. You could even consider French box pleats which are narrower at the bottom and this helps create a fuller effect.


Apart from pleats and gathers, there are other things which you can do enhance the appearance of a table and draw attention towards it. You will be able to get a hold of all of these things at any office furniture store. There really is no better way for you to add a special touch to your event than by adding table skirting. So what are you waiting for? Now that you know some of the designs for table skirts, get some of your own. And don't forget to mix and match. Remember, when it comes to decorating your tables, there are no rules.


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